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White-Water Kayaking Products

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Hiko 20L Rear Airbag

Suitable for white water kayaks with split rear compartment


$39.90 ea

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Hiko Buckaroo Kayak Helmet

The Buckaroo helmet is very light and comfortable. Inbuilt adjusting system offers great flexibility for a range of head sizes. This helmet is ICF (International Canoe Federation) certified for all water sports and canoe slalom racing. Available in S/M or L/XL in white, red, yellow or black.



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Hiko Neoprene Sneaker

Great value, very functional neoprene shoes with just the right thickness in the sole for kayaking and walking around on rocks. Sizes 4-13.


$59.00 pr

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Hiko Gaurdian PFD

Fully featured PFD for serious whitewater kayakers and instructors. Very nice to wear, high quality construction and everything you need for safety on committing river-runs.


$389.00 ea

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Hiko Paladin Dry Top

4-Layer waterproof, breathable material, tape sealed seams, latex gasket wrist cuffs, double waist and the option of either latex inner neck gasket or neoprene inner neck gasket (add $50 for latex).  Very high quality drytop.


$349.00 ea

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Hiko 15m Throwbag

Essential equipment for white water kayakers.  Also available in longer and shorter lengths.


$64.90 ea

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